Sacraments Study Page
On-site articles:
Against Christianity, For the Sacraments (pdf)
Wine and Weekly (pdf)
Baptism (Dabney Center lecture pdf)
Lord's Supper (Dabney Center lecture pdf)
The Baptismal Doorway: A Brief Note on Placement of the Baptismal Font
Do I Believe in Baptismal Regeneration? (pdf)
The Door of Baptism: Notes on TPC's Baptismal Practice
Notes on TPC’s Baptismal Liturgy for Infants
Who May Celebrate the Eucharist at TPC?
On-site audio:
Dabney Center Baptism Lectures (2005):
1. What Just Happened?
2. Why Water?
3. Why Babies?
4. Why Sprinkling/Pouring?
Dabney Center Eucharist Lectures (2006):
1. What Just Happened?
2. Why Eating and Drinking Bread and Wine?
3. Who May Partake?
4. How Often, and In What Form?
The Baptism of Jesus
- The Baptism of Jesus I
- The Baptism of Jesus II
- The Baptism of Jesus III
- The Baptism of Jesus IV
- The Baptism of Jesus V
- The Baptism of Jesus VI
Baptism Small Group Study
Some select (off-site) articles:
Baptismal Efficacy & the Reformed Tradition: Past, Present, & Future
Calvin and the Efficacy of Infant Baptism
Calvin on Baptism, Penance, & Absolution
Faith, Baptism, and Justification
Jesus' Baptism: The Fount of Life
Some Thoughts on the Means of Grace
Liturgical Forms:
Baptismal Liturgies (forthcoming)
Eucharistic Liturgies (forthcoming)