- Written by: Rich Lusk
- Category: Sacramental Theology
Infant baptism is a sign of God's multi-generational faithfulness. God's covenants always include the next generation. We Presbyterians call this "covenant succession." The promise God makes to believing parents is, "I will be your God and the God of your children." The hope, based on this promise, is that the faith will be passed on from one generation to the next in an unbroken chain.

- Written by: Rich Lusk
- Category: Sacramental Theology
There are many arguments we can derive from Scripture in favor of the practice of baptizing children.
- Written by: Rich Lusk
- Category: Sacramental Theology
In baptism, water is poured or sprinkled over a person in the Triune name. Why does baptism use water? To grasp the full meaning of baptism, we need to grasp the meaning of water in the Scripture. Water was chosen for a reason, having to do with both its symbolism and its practical uses. Water is a fitting instrument for God’s purpose.
- Written by: Rich Lusk
- Category: Sacramental Theology
We are gathered here today to celebrate the sacrament of baptism.
- Written by: Rich Lusk
- Category: Sacramental Theology
To understand baptism, we cannot just look at a few NT passages that mention baptism explicitly. The apostles clearly believed there were events in the OT that prefigured Christian baptism.