- Written by: Rich Lusk
- Category: Blog
Death as “Frenemy:”
Beating the Grim Reaper’s Scythe into a Plowshare
Rich Lusk
This is an old article article, being republished for the blog.
We spend a lot of time in the church talking about what it means to live like a Christian. But what does it mean to die like a Christian? If we are to follow Christ in life, what does it mean for us to follow him in death as well? How do we prepare ourselves for death, and ultimately for the day of judgment? Even though we like to pretend otherwise and ignore one of the most obvious facts in the universe, the truth is that we are all going to die. Every day the moment of death draws nearer for each of us. How should we live today in light of what a future tomorrow is sure to bring?
- Written by: Rich Lusk
- Category: Men & Women
Servant-leadership, as commonly understood in evangelical circles, has taken quite beating in recent years, and rightfully so. I have already addressed this issue in other places, but the problems should be spelled out more fully, especially for marriage.There are many Christian husbands who believe they are Jesus-like "servant leaders" when in reality they are abdicating their position as ruler of their households. There are many Christian wives who think they are submissive, when really their hearts are in rebellion against God's ordained authority structure and disrespectful towards the place Scripture assigns their husbands.
- Written by: Rich Lusk
- Category: Men & Women
Sexual Desire and Sexual Refusal in Marriage:
A Pauline Theology of Consent
Rich Lusk
This is an article especially for married men.
- Written by: Rich Lusk
- Category: Church
This article was originally written for the newsletter of Redeemer Presbyterian Church ion Austin, TX in 1997. It has been updated for TPC.
Worship is a controversial topic among Christians in our day. Strong, passionately held convictions often clash over even the minutiae of how we should worship God. Considering the centrality of gathered worship in the Scriptures, and the current fragmentation of the church, this is probably inevitable in our day. At TPC, we strive to be a worship-centered church because we strive to be a God-centered church. But why do we worship God the way we do?
- Written by: Rich Lusk
- Category: Men & Women